Seated Woman after Picasso

Seated Woman after Picasso with feathered mask and dog by Derek Kosbab 2010

When I had finished this painting, I wondered what the picture would have looked like had Picasso painted it as a nude. So, I drew the seated woman unclothed. In doing so I discovered something surprising. Look at Picasso’s clothed picture below, in particular, the woman’s left leg, that is, the front leg. Trace the leg under the clothing upwards from her foot and you will see that it ends where her left knee-cap would be, just underneath her bare left arm.

If my analysis is correct, then it has to be asked: what is supporting the clothing further to the left? It cannot be her right leg since this is underneath, and supporting her left leg. I have no answer to the question. But, it meant that when I drew the woman unclothed I had to do some devious subtle realignment of her left leg from the ankle upwards to match the original clothed version.

When I had finished the picture it looked a little ordinary. So, to brighten her appearance and to add interest, I added a feathered mask to her face. And, I added me into the picture. This time, laying quietly and looking intently and somewhat sorrowfully at the viewer.

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Look below, at my copy of the Picasso painting, Seated Woman.

Not appearing in Picasso’s original is the dog seated quietly in the darkness by her left side.

In fact, the dog is a representation of me.

I intend putting me into every copy of a famous artists work that I paint.

Seated Woman

Seated Woman